articles & photos
visual poetry & text art
Chumash alignments
outline of environmental efforts
Honoring Karl Kempton: A Champion for Ocean Conservation
For 34 years, Karl Kempton has fought tirelessly to protect California’s coastal waters, playing a key role in the creation of the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary—now the third-largest marine sanctuary in the U.S.
From writing the first-ever sanctuary nomination to include Indigenous recognition in 1990 to rallying 110,000+ supporters, Karl’s dedication has helped unite environmentalists and Chumash leaders in a historic coalition for ocean protection.
Though challenges arose, his vision never wavered. His legacy is a thriving ocean, safeguarded for future generations.
marine environment protection
(followed by blast maps of seismic acoustic testing)
visual poetry
text art
Kenneth Patchen (in Kaldron 8)
visual poetry
text art
Kenneth Patchen (in Kaldron 8)
Visual Poetry: A Brief History of Ancestral Roots and Modern Traditions
tip of the knife
on Seiich Niikuni
cold front magazine
Synapse International Anthology
text art archive
Synapse International
Synapse International
Synapse International
Synapse International
Transcendent Poetry
word painters
“Chaled Res ARAM: Language-scapes and Their Music,” Chaled Res ARAM Catalogue. Turkey
by Firyal Al Adhamy and Loay Taha
Do Not Unveil My Colors, A Homeland Sleeps Thereby Firyal Al Adhamy and Loay Taha
Synapse International
seer & realized poets
chumash alignments
Yak Tityu Tityu, Northern Chumash, and the Chumash: A General Overview
long article in 3 montly installments
Articles 2010-2014
I wrote fifty one marine environmental monthly articles co-authored with Carol Georgi between July 2010 and December 2014.
This was my fourth effort since 1990 to obtain National Marine Sanctuary nominated status for our near and offshore waters. The primary purpose of our articles was educating the public about the international and national significance of several marine environmental features between Pt Conception (Humqaq) and Santa Rosa Creek, the southern boundary of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
Beginning in June, 2012, we decided to oppose acoustic testing for the nearshore fault lines near and under the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant. Such testing by acoustic blast-waves causes wide-spread death and destruction to marine life, sometimes lasting years. Carol’s research and contact with a fisherman, who provided invaluable information and documentation, added urgency to the situation. The articles soon the lit the activist-fuse leading to a large successful multi-group effort to end high energy acoustic bombardment of California’s ocean environment. This successful group effort brought additional awareness for ocean protection leading to the successful formal nomination of the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary. This has the prospect of protecting 10,000 square miles of nearshore and offshore marine environments and features. Carol and I each received the Bill Denneen Environmental Award for our work leading to the formal nomination. We could not have reached our goal without the support and efforts of countless others.
Article in which I oppose all environmental groups wanting acoustic testing for Diablo Canyon NuclearPower Plant (weed). This and following articles on the subject with co-author Carol Gorgi eventually led to the formation of seven groups opposing the testing and the Coastal Commission banning such testing. This led to the formation of the Marine Sanctuary Alliance out of which came the Chumash Heritage Marine Sanctuary named by Fred Collins, spokesperson for the Northern Chumash Tribal Council